Frequently Asked Questions

What is GMA?

What is the Global Marketing Real Estate certification™?

It is a certification empowering real estate agents to dominate in local, national, and international markets, creating clients for life! It is also for real estate agents who want to become “A True Global Agent, NOT Just a Local Agent”.

What makes the GMA™ legally compliant?

GMA™ Agents use the agreements that were created for the GMA™ Certified Members*. You will become a “Global Agent” and use Global Marketing Agreements allowing your Seller to give you the written authorizations you will need to “legally market your listings to the world” and “legally borrow or share listings”.

The determining factor is having the seller’s written agreement. It’s as simple as asking, “Can the listing be advertised outside of the local MLS?” With a Yes, and the proper forms signed you are compliant and able to legally advertise someone else’s listing.

Even in each of these scenarios** …

  • if the original listing Agent’s name is mentioned
  • if the original Listing Agent’s Brokerage is mentioned
  • if there is an agreement between MLS and allowing IDX or any other systems to use the information regarding a certain or all listings
  • with the “reciprocity law” that was created to allow other companies to use other companies’ listings, with the mention of the original Brokerage and Listing Agent’s name

*Only available if you have your GMA™ Certification, in other words, you have taken the training and passed the test.

**Only when Seller has provided a written agreement to allow other agents to advertise their listing in the property listing addendum and after your Broker (if applicable) has reviewed the GMA agreements and has allowed you to use them.

Why do I need global exposure? And how is the Global Marketing Agent™ certification’s exposure different?

We live & do business in a global economy! Technology and social media have made the world smaller, we all have our website, and frequent social media daily, so being global is really not an option these days, it is a MUST!

The top three ways this certification gives you the tools to stand out is by legally leveraging properties from the membership, co-marketing your local listings to the world, and representing listings from anywhere around the world with the unique global marketing agreements that were created for you to be protected as well as establishing the relationships to do so. Having your website and social media outlets is great, but unfortunately, you are only relying on your “Friends and family”. How can you reach further? The answers are in the truly unique concept of the Global Marketing Agent™ certification.

Why would I want as an agent to have listings outside of my marketplace? And, in areas, I have no knowledge or licensed?

As an agent, you want to have listings outside of your marketplace because we live and do business in a global economy so why just be a “Local Agent” when now you can be a “Global Agent”?  Once you have permission from the listing agent where the property is located as well as the sellers and the global marketing agreements are fully executed you are fully authorized to promote, market, and advertise that listing. The knowledge and expertise always come from the agent where the property is located, and you rely on them for the information needed to promote that listing in your market area as your own. Also, all agents lose referrals when their clients buy real estate outside of your jurisdiction, by showing your SOI you have listings all over the world you will gain more referrals and keep your clients for life!

I have never listed a million-dollar listing, will GMA help? Will sellers trust me?

Most luxury sellers will rarely give you their listings if they know you have never listed or sold that kind of property. So, how do you gain the credibility and perception of being an agent of luxury caliber? The process to establish that with the global marketing agent network is very simple. Find GMA™ members who have million-dollar listings and ask permission to leverage those listings in your local market and database. Start implementing a marketing campaign to your higher-end local market and all of your clients. Soon, they will perceive you as their luxury agent.

FAQs about GMA membership

Why should I become a Certified Global Marketing Agent™?

The national median house price in the U.S. in 2024 is around $400,000. If you secure just one more listing (earning a $12,000 commission) in your first year using the GMA certification, you will have paid for the GMA certification 20 times over! Then, if you secure just one more listing in your second year using the GMA certification, you will have paid for your GMA certification 26 times over! You cannot afford to NOT become GMA certified.

Once I become a Certified Global Marketing Agent™ what are the next steps of implementation for my business?

• Implement the GMA™ logo & badge in your marketing materials, website, announcements on social media, etc.

• Change your listing presentation (add GMA™ slides in your presentations).

• Get comfortable with scripts for your clients.

• Take leverage listings to get familiar with the forms and the technology workflows.

• Join the GMA™ network and private social media group.

• Look for international groups in your local marketplace to network and show off your global real estate portfolio of listings.

• Promote luxury listings and market your local luxury market.

• Attend the GMA Zooms.

• You must be proactive and use your certification on every listing appointment you have, social media, website, whom you meet, etc. Your actions will create results with GMA.

What will I learn once I become a certified member?

You will learn how to first and foremost rebrand yourself and your business as a “Global Agent”, how to legally borrow listings from other members which will give you instant credibility of being a “True” global agent, get more listings locally by offering your sellers 2 types of listing presentations (local and global), instantly tap into the luxury & expired markets, and how to assist your clients anywhere around the world buying or selling without having to acquire another real estate license in that state, province, or country.

Why would I want to offer my sellers the global marketing agent™ exposure when my company’s website is global?

The GMA™ concept is truly unique, and your sellers will be very impressed by actually working with your "partners" wherever it makes sense in the world to promote, market, advertise, and find potential buyers for their property. The internet and technology have changed everything, but it is also vast! Partnering with global marketing agents is a direct approach to creating exposure for your sellers. It’s a very proactive approach, rather than the reactive approach that 99% of agents take.

How am I allowed to  help my clients outside my marketplace?

Article 11 of the code of Ethics of NAR says: realtors are obligated to provide their clients with competent services within the scope of their licensing. In the real estate industry, competence is critical. It involves a realtor being able to present their clients with factual information and recommendations. (paraphrasing), you can market real estate located outside of your marketplace and not be licensed in another state, province, or country IF and ONLY when you create a partnership, in writing, with the licensee of the broker where the property is located.

How do I convince my clients to trust me enough to give me their listings outside of my marketplace?

The best and easiest way to let your clients know you can help them anywhere and everywhere is to first leverage listings from outside of your local marketplace.  Using the “Leverage Listings” process of the GMA™, you’ll promote those listings to your database through your website, social media, and word of mouth. Once your clients see you have listings all over the world, you will gain credibility and earn the reputation of being a true “Global Agent”.

What gives me the edge over a “Local Agent”?

Once you go through the GMA™ training and gain the confidence of your new abilities you will quickly realize that your clients have far more advantages listing with you instead of a “Local Agent”. That agent can only do so much locally! You, however, have a GLOBAL reach from your own marketplace, providing a worldwide marketing campaign for your sellers without traveling or attaining the license in the state, province, or country.

Become “A True Global Agent, Not Just A Local Agent”

All real estate agents who go through our program are taught the necessary skills to earn money Globally rather than just locally.

We are the only certification in the world that offers real estate agents the education to learn how to use the global marketing agreements to practice real estate without boundaries with full support.
Become a Member